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Speech by Zheng Wantong at the Opening Ceremony of the 7th Leaders' Roundtable Conference

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Respected guests, representatives of member companies, ladies and gentlemen, it is a great pleasure to be here in Beijing and welcome the convening of the 7th Multinational Corporation Leaders Roundtable. On behalf of the organizing committee of the conference, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all the guests.

This round table meeting is an annual meeting of our association, and this year is different from previous years in that it coincides with the successful conclusion of the APEC Beijing Summit. This APEC meeting has attracted worldwide attention, yielded fruitful results, had significant significance, and had a profound impact. The Chinese Dream and the Asia Pacific Dream have aroused strong resonance and extensive discussion. The the Belt and Road is loud and strategic, interconnected, pragmatic and full of inclusive development wisdom. During the meeting, leaders of Asia Pacific countries had a frank and in-depth exchange of views and achieved broad consensus.

With the strong support of the Chinese government and international organizations such as the United Nations, as well as the active participation of domestic and foreign multinational corporations, and with the unremitting efforts of 12, the Multinational Corporation Leaders' Roundtable has been successfully held for six sessions and achieved positive results. The conference adheres to the development concept of the United Nations, gathers wisdom and consensus, and has gradually developed into an attractive and influential exchange platform for leaders of multinational corporations, international organizations, and people from all walks of life.

The purpose of this meeting is equality, integrity, cooperation, and win-win. The theme is to promote investment by multinational corporations, strengthen corporate responsibility, and promote sustainable development. In order to hold this meeting well for more in-depth communication, I am willing to provide you with some perspectives and context for thinking and researching problems as a reference.

Firstly, China's socio-economic development has shown a new trend. There have always been various perspectives on China's economic and social development, but the key is to see the overall trend of China's development clearly. After the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the leadership of the new central leadership, China's development has shown some new features and trends. I believe the most prominent are the following three points:

1、 China's economic and social development has formed a new overall pattern. The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee made a top-level design for comprehensively deepening reform. To achieve this goal, the implementation of this top-level design requires reliable guarantees from the perspective of the rule of law. More than a month ago, the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee adopted the decision to comprehensively promote the rule of law, and comprehensively deepen reform and comprehensively promote the rule of law complement each other, forming a sisters chapter. Comprehensively deepening reform requires the guarantee of the rule of law, and comprehensively promoting the rule of law also requires deepening reform. The spirit of these three important meetings, the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Third and Fourth Plenary Sessions of the 18th Central Committee, has been inherited in one continuous line, forming the foundation of a new pattern. In accordance with the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, China's economic construction, political construction, cultural construction, social construction, and ecological civilization construction are promoted in a coordinated manner, striving to achieve economic development, political clarity, cultural prosperity, social justice, and good ecology. The five major constructions develop together, which is the calcium of the new pattern. Realizing the two centenary goals and the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, uniting the hearts and minds of the people, and becoming the common direction and core driving force of all Chinese people, is the soul of the new pattern. Under this overall pattern, China will inevitably move towards new prosperity step by step.

2、 China's anti-corruption efforts have achieved tangible results.

Faced with the trend of economic globalization and regional economic integration, it is necessary to strengthen international cooperation in anti-corruption. The Beijing Anti Corruption Declaration, which has just been adopted under the leadership of China, reflects the common desire of various economies in the Asia Pacific region to strengthen international cooperation in anti-corruption, opening a new chapter in international cooperation in anti-corruption.

3、 Under the new normal of China's economy, opportunities outweigh challenges. In the past year, the shift and speed reduction, quality improvement and efficiency enhancement of the Chinese economy have become a hot topic. According to President Xi Jinping's statement, this new normal has three significant characteristics: the first is the transition from high growth to medium to high growth, and the second is the continuous optimization and upgrading of the economic structure. 3、 The demand for industrial consumption has gradually become the mainstay, the regional gap between urban and rural areas has gradually narrowed, the proportion of residents' income has increased, and the development achievements have benefited a wider range of people.

4、 From factor driven, investment driven, to innovation driven, this new normal is a sublation of the old trend. To achieve this transformation, we face enormous pressure and challenges. However, although China's economic growth rate slows down under the new normal, the actual increase is still considerable. China's economic growth is becoming more stable, with more diverse growth drivers. China's economic structure has been optimized and upgraded, and its development prospects are more stable. The Chinese government is vigorously reducing government and delegating power, and market vitality will be further unleashed.

In summary, we can see that many areas of China's economic and social development are showing new trends, which will inevitably improve the overall level of China's open economy on a larger scale, in a wider field, and at a deeper level, and provide greater opportunities for the development of domestic and foreign multinational corporations.

Secondly, China's deep integration with the world economy has shown new vitality. After more than 30 years of reform and opening up, the Chinese economy is undergoing a significant transformation from bringing in to bringing in and going out, and a new situation of deep integration of market resources and energy investment has emerged. Practice has proven that only by adhering to opening-up and deeply integrating into the world economy can China achieve sustainable development. Similarly, the opportunities and benefits that China's development brings to the Asia Pacific and the world will be enormous, and the business opportunities it brings will be long-lasting and unlimited. Deep integration has laid a solid foundation, with China currently using a total of 1.5 trillion US dollars in foreign direct investment, ranking first among developing countries for 22 consecutive years. On the other hand, China has become one of the world's major foreign investment countries. As of the end of 2013, China had established a total of 25400 foreign direct investment enterprises, with total assets of nearly three trillion US dollars. The stock of foreign direct investment reached 660.5 billion US dollars, covering almost all industries and categories of the national economy.

The decision of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meeting to launch the process of the Asia Pacific Free Trade Area is a historic decision that will elevate the economic integration of the Asia Pacific region to a higher level, and will also benefit various economies on both sides of the Pacific at different stages of development, injecting new vitality into the growth of the Asia Pacific economy and the development of member countries.

People will be full of vitality when they have dreams, and similarly, enterprises and even countries will be full of vitality when they have dreams. The Chinese Dream and the Asia Pacific Dream are interconnected, and in the process of creating and realizing their dreams, China's deep integration with the world economy will inevitably demonstrate new vitality.

Thirdly, new opportunities are constantly emerging in the trade and investment of multinational corporations. Currently, China is committed to promoting the development of an open world economy. China attaches great importance to the role of multinational corporations and actively promotes cooperation with them. At the same time, China's development is constantly creating new opportunities for multinational corporations' trade and investment.

During the APEC meeting, President Xi Jinping highly affirmed the spirit of entrepreneurship and issued a sincere invitation. He expressed that we welcome the active participation of business professionals in the Asia Pacific region in China's economic and social development process, and share the opportunities and achievements brought by China's reform and development. New opportunities are at hand. In fact, President Xi's strategic vision of building the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road is a huge strategic opportunity in front of us. The the Belt and Road is the carrier of cooperation in the field of global value chain supply chain and the realization form of the Asia Pacific connectivity blueprint. The the Belt and Road represents a new generation of Chinese leaders who have insight into the world and grasp the overall situation, The strategic thinking and inclusive concept of win-win cooperation. The the Belt and Road was not developed by one person, but by people from different countries, nationalities and regions for generations. The road is at hand. China is willing to work with other countries to promote the construction of the the Belt and Road, participate more deeply in the process of regional cooperation, and make new contributions to the development and prosperity of connectivity in the Asia Pacific region.

Seizing opportunities requires joint participation. President Xi Jinping emphasized the need to focus on Asian countries, rely on economic corridors, break through transportation infrastructure, focus on building financing platforms, and link cultural exchanges. We will strengthen practical cooperation along the the Belt and Road, deepen the partnership of connectivity among Asian countries, and jointly build and develop a community of shared future. The preparatory work of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank has taken a substantive step. China will also invest 40 billion dollars to establish the the Silk Road Fund to provide investment and financing support for infrastructure construction in countries along the the Belt and Road. These major strategic ideas and plans have been warmly responded to and actively supported by the participating countries. On behalf of the organizing committee of this conference, I sincerely invite all entrepreneurs to participate in this conference to fully realize the great value of the the Belt and Road strategic idea, fully recognize the great sincerity of the Chinese government, fully recognize the great goodwill of China's inclusive development concept, and use the platform of this round table conference for in-depth exchanges, Take action to examine the development of each company within the overall development landscape of China, integrate it into the Chinese Dream, and jointly create the Asia Pacific Dream.

Distinguished guests, representatives of member enterprises, ladies and gentlemen, the Round Table Meeting of Multinational Corporation Leaders looks forward to working with people from all walks of life around the world to make positive contributions to China's reform, opening up, and modernization cause, promote the recovery of the world economy, and promote the sustainable development of human society. Finally, I wish this conference a complete success. Thank you.

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